Worship And The Prayers | Worship And The Prayers | 39
pure heart of the Ka'ba, its qibla, and on its uttering "God is Most Great!" with the tongue of Mount Arafat in the mouth of Mecca, that single phrase assumes a form in the air in the cave-like mouths of all the believers in all parts of the earth. Just as through the echo of the words "God is Most Great!" innumerable "God is Most Great's" come into being, so too that acceptable recitation and invocation causes the heavens to ring out and resounds rising and falling in the Intermediate Realms.
We praise and glorify and exalt to the number of the particles of the earth the All-Glorious One, Who made the earth thus prostrate to Him in worship, glorifying and exalting Him, and made it a mosque for His servants and cradle for His creatures. And we offer praise to Him to the number of beings that He made us members of the Community of His Noble Messenger (Peace and blessings be upon him), who taught us worship of this kind.

A Question from Treatise On Nature,

First Question
We hear many lazy people and those who neglect the five daily prayers ask: 'What need has God Almighty of our worship that in the Qur'an He severely and insistently reproves those who give up worship and threatens them with such a fearsome punishment as Hell? How is it in keeping with the style of the Qur'an, which is moderate, mild and fair, to demonstrate the ultimate severity towards an insignificant, minor fault?"
The Answer: God Almighty has no need of your worship, nor indeed of anything else. It is you who needs to worship, for in truth you are sick. As we have proved in many parts of the Risale-i Nur, worship is a sort of remedy for your spiritual wounds. If someone ill responds to a kindly doctor who insists on his taking medicines that are beneficial for his condition by saying: "What need do you have of it that you are insisting in this way?", you can understand how absurd it would be.
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