Worship And The Prayers | Worship And The Prayers | 41
"This is good as well" from
The Twenty-Eighth Flash

While reciting, "Endless blessings and endless peace be upon you, О Messenger of God!" in the tesbihat after the prayers, I saw from afar a subtle point that gradually unfolded. I was unable to grasp all of it but shall recount one or two sentences by way of alluding to it.
I saw that the world of the night is like a newly opened dwelling of the world. I entered that world during '¡sha, the prayer at nightfall. Since man is connected to all the world, through an extraordinary expansion of the imagination, I saw the mighty world that night as a dwelling. Living creatures and men became so tiny they were invisible. I observed with the imagination that the only thing that inhabited that dwelling and made it familiar, and filled it with light, was the collective personality of Muhammad (PBUH). Like a person greets those present when he enters a house, I was overwhelmed with the desire to say: "Endless peace be upon you, О Messenger of God!"1 It was as though I was greeting
1. The Divine mercy which came ю Muhammad (PBUH) looks Ю the needs of all his Community through all eternity.(1. cont.) For this reason, endless greetings are in place. If someone enters a vast house like the world, desolate and empty and dark through heedlessness, how frightened and dismayed he will be. Then suddenly the house is lit up and a familiar, friendly, lovable and beloved Lieutenant appears in the forefront. If he describes and makes known the house's Compassionate and Generous Owner through all its fittings and furnishings, you can understand what joy, familiarity, happiness, light, and ease it will give. You can appreciate the value and pleasure of the greetings for the Messenger (PBUH) from this.
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