Worship And The Prayers | Worship And The Prayers | 43
The Sixth Ray

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate.
[This Sixth Ray consists of two answers to two questions about two points concerning the formulas in the 'tashahhuď section of the ritual prayers (salāt) which begin "Salutations, blessings, benedictions and supplications, and good words—all are God's."1 Postponing to another time an explanation of the other truths of the 'tashahhud,' here we shall explain only two points out of hundreds.]
First Question
fTļ he blessed phrases of the tashahhud were  spoken by Almighty God and His Messen-ger (Peace and blessings be upon him) on the night of his Ascension, so what is the reason for their being recited in the ritual prayers?
The Answer: For all believers, the five daily prayers are a sort of Ascension. The words of the tashahhud, which were fitting for the Divine presence, were spoken during the Supreme Ascension of Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him), and by reciting them, believers recall that sacred conversation. Through the recollection, the meanings of those blessed words cease being particular and become universal; their sacred, comprehensive meanings are, or may be, conceived of. Through such a conception, their value and light are enhanced and expanded.
For example, instead of giving the greeting of "peace" that night to Almighty God, the Noble Messenger (Peace and blessings be upon him) said: "Salutations to God" (al-tahlyyatu lillāh). That is, "O my Sustainer! All the vital glorifications living beings display through their lives and the gifts they present to their Maker through the manner of their creation are Yours alone. By visualizing them and through my belief, I too offer them to You."
Yes, with the word "salutations," God's Most Noble Messenger (PBUH) intentionally offered to God all the worship living creatures perform through the mode of their creation. Similarly, through the word "blessings," (al-mubãrakãt) which is the summary of "salutations," he was representing the natural blessedness, plenty, and worship of creatures, especially seeds, grains, and eggs, which are the means of blessings and abundance, and cause one to exclaim: "How great are God's blessings!" For they are the essence of life and living beings. He said it with this broad meaning.
1. "al-Tahiyyăt al-muhārakāl al-şalawăt al-ţayyibăt lillāh." Bukhāri, Adhān, 148, 150; al-'Amal fi'l-salāt,'4; Isti'dhān, 3, 28; Da'wat, 16; Tawhîd, 5; Muslim. Şalat, 56, 60, 62. Etc.
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