Worship And The Prayers | Worship And The Prayers | 51
About Worship
from Signs of Miraculousness

You should know that it is worship that instils the tenets of belief [in the believers] making them a very part of their character. For if matters pertaining to the conscience and reason are not nurtured and strengthened by worship, which consists of carrying out Allah's commands and abstaining from His prohibitions, they remain ineffectual and weak. The present state of the Islamic world testifies to this.
Know too that worship is the cause of happiness in this world and the next, and is a means of ordering life here and there, and a cause of attainment and perfection, both individual and collective. It is an exalted, esteemed relation between Creator and bondsman.
There are several reasons worship is the cause of happiness and prosperity in this world, which is the tillage of the hereafter:
Firstly: Man has been created with a strange, subtle nature distinguishing him from all other living beings and making him an exception to them. By virtue of this there have arisen in him the desire to
choose, and the wish for the most beautiful things and for fine decoration, and a natural desire to have a livelihood and position befitting humanity.
For his food, dress, and accommodation - the need for which arises due to the above-mentioned desires - to be prepared proficiently man has need of multiple arts and crafts, but he is incapable of practising all of these on his own. He needs therefore to mix with his fellow-men and to co-operate with them, and for all of them to assist each other and exchange the fruits of their labour. However, since so as to allow men's progress by means of the mainspring of the will the All-Wise Maker placed no innate limits on the [three] human powers of appetite, anger, and intellect - as with the animals and their limited powers - tyranny and aggression have arisen. And since no limit has been placed on them, the powers [tend to] aggression and the [human] community is in need of justice when exchanging the fruits of its labour. But because the intellects of single members of society are incapable of comprehending justice, the human race as a whole needs a general or universal intellect [to establish] justice from which all may benefit. And that intellect is the universal law, and that law is the Shari'a. Then in order to preserve the effectiveness of the Shari'a and its enforcement, a lawmaker is necessary, someone to lay claim to it and promulgate it, an authority, and that is the Prophet (Upon whom be blessings and peace).
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