Mathnawi al-Nuriya ( not all sections) | The first treatise | 3

The other degree is being firmly convinced that God is One and that everything belongs to Him exclusively, and that only He gives existence without any partners whatever and without needing any means to do so. The one with such degree of conviction sees His seal and observes His stamp on all things, and free from any doubts, feels himself always and everywhere in His Presence. Neither deviations nor doubts can find a way to dilute this degree of conviction.
In order that you may acquire such a degree of conviction in God's Unity, I will point out some rays of it which I have obtained from the Qur'an.

First ray

God Almighty has set a special seal on each of the things He has made which shows that He is the Creator of all things. He has set a special stamp on each of His creatures demonstrating that He is the Maker of all things. Also, on each of the "letters" that the Power "writes" there is an inimitable signature particular to the Eternal Monarch.
For example, among His innumerable seals, look at the one He has put on life. Consider how, through life, a single thing is made into many things, and many things into one thing. For example, water that we drink becomes, by God's leave, a means for the formation of innumerable animal organs and systems. Though a single entity, it becomes "many" by God's command. Conversely many varieties of foods become, by God's leave, a particular body or skin or a whole system or sub-system. Thus "many' things become, by God's command, a single entity. So, whoever has an intellect, consciousness and heart must conclude that making a single, simple entity from many things and using a single entity in making things of great diversity is a seal special to the Creator of all things.

Second ray

Among His innumerable stamps, look at only the one He has put on living things.
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