Mathnawi al-Nuriya ( not all sections) | The first treatise | 4

Being complex and inclusive in character, a living thing is like a miniature of the universe, a shining fruit of the tree of creation, a nucleus of the whole of creation, which the Creator has made a sample or a pattern of most species. It is as if that living thing is a drop filtered through wisdom from the whole of creation with absolutely exact measures, an all-inclusive point extracted from the whole of existence through knowledge with absolutely sensitive calculations. So, it is not possible for one who does not have the supreme disposition of the whole of creation, to create even the simplest of living things. Whoever has a sound intellect must conclude that the one who has made a honeybee an index of most things, and who has inserted in man's nature most parts of the book of creation must be the Creator. He has encoded in its tiny seed the future life of a fig tree. He has made the heart of man a small-scale copy of thousands of worlds and a window opening on them. He has recorded in man's memory his past life and everything related to it. The One Who has done all these and many other similar things cannot be but the Creator of all things, and His doing so is a stamp peculiar to the Lord of the Worlds.

Third ray

Look at the signature put on the acts of bringing to life and reviving. Out of innumerable possible examples, we shall mention only one:

From planets to drops of water and pieces of glass, in each transparent or apparently transparent thing there is a stamp— an image or reflection—particular to the sun.

So too, the Unique, Eternal Sun has set on each living thing a seal, a stamp, of reviving and bringing to life showing itself through the manifestations of all His Names on that thing. If all material causes—supposing they had power and will—came together to produce the like of that stamp, they would not be able to do so, even if they helped one another (Qur'an, 17.88).
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