Mathnawi al-Nuriya ( not all sections) | The first treatise | 7

Fifth ray

Look! Any letter in a book points to itself to the extent of itself as a letter and in one respect only. However, it points to its writer in many respects.
Similarly, every "created" letter of the book of the universe points to itself only to the extent of being a letter. However, it points to its Maker in many respects both individually and in the words and sentences in which it is included, and manifests the titles of its Maker, describing them as if it were a long eulogy.

Sixth ray

Look! The Glorious Maker has put on each particular thing His special stamp and on each part of a whole, His peculiar seal. Likewise, He has put on each species and whole His special stamp. He has also put on all parts of the heavens and earth the stamp of His Unity by manifesting all His Names through out the parts of the universe. He has demonstrated His Unity and He has put on the whole universe the seal of His Oneness. By concentrating the manifestations of all His Names on the universe, He has displayed His Oneness.

Look at the stamp pointed out in the verse, Look at the prints of God's Mercy, how He quickens the earth after its death. He verily is the Quickener of the dead in the same way, and He is powerful over all things5. The quickening of the earth is really an astonishing "resurrection" or coming to life again. Hundreds of thousands of animal and vegetable species are raised to life. The members of many of those species are more numerous than the whole of the human population in the world. Nevertheless, to fulfil certain subtle purposes, most of those plants are not raised in their exact former identities; rather, they are returned to life again in substantial and close resemblance to their previous forms. However they are revived, their being revived indicates the easiness of the Resurrection [which will take place at the end of time after the overall destruction of the universe].

5. al-Rum, 30.50.
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