Mathnawi al-Nuriya ( not all sections) | The first treatise | 10

Look at this principle of mutual helping and cooperation. See how the sun and moon, day and night, and summer and winter, come to the aid of plants to urge them to help animals and convey to them their food that they take from the treasury of Mercy. Animals hasten to the aid of human beings. The honeybee and silkworm, for example, take honey and silk from the treasury of the All-Merciful One and carry them to man. Particles of earth, air and water come to the help of fruits and vegetation, each of which has a different taste and quality of nourishment. In turn, they go to the aid of the cells of the body in perfect orderliness and for great purposes.
This perfect, purposeful and well-arranged mutual helping is manifested by all those things, especially inanimate objects. It is an evident proof and a clear argument that they are servants of an All-Wise Sustainer, the workers of a Munificent Manager, working by His command and leave, and by His Power and Wisdom.

Eighth ray

Look! The food of living things is distributed among them just on time and according to the need of each. This well-arranged universal providence contained in an all-encompassing mercy implies love for and knowledge of those provided. The all-encompassing mercy combined with a perfect graciousness implies favoring and gratifying. The graciousness combined with a universal wisdom implies a certain purpose and consciousness. The universal wisdom is combined with a perfect arrangement, making all things dependent on one another. This dependence requires mutual helping and solidarity among all parts of existence. All this is a special stamp of the One Who is the Lord, Sustainer, Provider and Director of all things, and a seal particular to the One to Whose Command the sun, moon and stars are subjugated. He is the One Who has made all things good which He has created.6 His command, when He wills a thing is only that He says unto it: Be! and it is.7

6. al-Sajda, 32.7.
7. Ya Sin, 36.82.
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