Mathnawi al-Nuriya ( not all sections) | The first treatise | 12

Tenth ray

After we have pointed out some stamps of Unity put on parts and individual beings and on the wholes, and on the universe, and put on life, living beings and bringing to life, now among the innumerable seals of Oneness on species and wholes, look at another one:

The difficulty or easiness in the creation of a tree and a fruit is the same, as both depend on the same law of growth and issue from the same center. The dependence on the same law of raising and upkeep diminishes difficulty and expenditure to the extent that there is no difference between the growth of a tree of numerous fruits by a single person and a single fruit by many people. The growth of a single fruit by many people would require as many tools as the growth of a tree bearing numerous fruits does. Similarly, the instruments, machines and factories needed to manufacture the equipment of a whole army would also be needed to equip a single soldier. The difference is only qualitative. Also, printing thousands of copies of a book in a printing-machine will not be much more expensive than printing a single copy. If you were to have those copies printed each in a different printing-machine, the amount you would have to pay would be thousands of times as great as that which you will pay for thousands of copies from the same machine.
In sum: when you do not attribute innumerably multiple things to a single source, then—besides having to attribute a single thing to innumerably multiple things—you will have as many difficulties as the number of those things. So, the extraordinary facility in coming into existence of so many species distributed all over the world comes from the Oneness of their Creator.
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