Mathnawi al-Nuriya ( not all sections) | The first treatise | 9
In this mighty disposition in spring there is an exalted, great and subtly embroidered seal belonging to the Lord, one showing itself in absolute accuracy and orderliness, abundance and extensiveness, with absolute speed and ease, and in perfectly distinguishing and separating utterly mixed things. This seal is particular to the One Whom doing something does not deter from doing another thing, from Whom nothing is hidden, and for Whom nothing is difficult.

In spring we observe on the face of the earth marvelous instances of an extraordinary art and activity based on purpose-fulness, insight, wisdom and munificence. They take place everywhere in the same way and in absolute exactness, orderliness and abundance. All this art and activity are but a seal of the One Who, despite being nowhere, is present everywhere through His Power and Knowledge, Whom nothing wearies and Who never needs help.

Seventh ray

Look! As the stamp of the One, Eternally Besought-of-All, is observed on the page of the earth, as well as in all parts of the heavens and earth, so too on the universe as a whole the stamp of Unity is clearly observed. The universe is like a magnificent palace, a well-ordered factory, and a well-planned city, among all of whose elements or parts there is a mutual collaboration and co-operation for great purposes. Even over long distances, the elements hasten to the aid of one another just on time without losing their ways. When you discern it, you will see how some of the parts give the others a hand to meet their needs. It is as if they respond to each other's requests for help and, in close co-operation and obedience to a single manager, they work in orderliness and serve living beings for specific purposes.
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