Mathnawi al-Nuriya ( not all sections) | The first treatise | 8

Despite their being infinitely mixed with one another, the quickening of all those innumerable species without any confusion and with utmost exactitude in differentiating them, is a special stamp of the One of infinite Power and all-encompassing Knowledge.

The species are infinitely mixed and intermingled with one another and there is great similarity among them. On the page of the earth hundreds of thousands of "books" are written without any confusion and mistakes, with an infinite order and with absolute accuracy in distinguishing among them. This is, again, a special seal of the One in Whose hand are the kingdom and keys of all things. He is not prevented from doing one thing while doing another at the same time.

O man, you who consider the Resurrection as impossible and deny it! See, in the quickening of the earth, hundreds of thousands of examples of the Resurrection! Your considering the Resurrection impossible is like this:

A man saw one working miracles. He re-wrote innumerable lost books from memory, or composed new ones like the lost ones, all at once. The man is told that that author would write anew your book that he had composed in the twinkling of an eye and that had then been utterly dissolved in water. The man says: "Impossible! How can an obliterated book be written again in a moment?" He says that because he compares his own ignorant and impotent person to that miracle-working author who never forgets anything and who is able to do all things.

Assume a man says of one who lifts a mountain in order to demonstrate his strength that he cannot remove a rock blocking the way of the guests he has invited to the garden where he will offer them the most delicious foods and beverages. Would you not regard the man as foolish?
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