Mathnawi al-Nuriya ( not all sections) | The first treatise | 13

Eleventh ray

The essential similarities among the members of a species and the species of a class bear witness to the oneness of the stamp and the singleness of the "pen" and testify that all those similarities are the work of a single one. Also, the absolute facility Iin their coming into existence in such abundance] and the littleness of the expenditure on them necessarily demonstrate that they are all the works of a Single Being. Or else, it would be impossibly difficult for them to come into existence. This observed facility and economy of means also makes impossible partnership with God Almighty in both His Essence and acts. Otherwise, as a result of the destruction of its order, the universe would go to ruin.

Twelfth ray

Look! Just as life is a proof of Divine Oneness and the necessity of His Existence, so too death is an evidence of His Permanence and Eternity.
The images of the sun reflected in the bubbles floating on a flowing river and in the waves of a sea, as well as in transparent things on the earth, bear witness to the sun. Those images disappear when the sun sets or the river enters a tunnel, and new ones appear the next day when the sun rises again or the river comes out of the tunnel. This testifies to the permanence of the sun's light and demonstrates that all those images are the work of a single sun. Through their existence they show the existence of the sun, and through their disappearance they demonstrate that there is only one sun which continually exists.
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