Mathnawi al-Nuriya ( not all sections) | Second Treatise | 2

First droplet

Know that the Prophet Muhammad, upon him be peace and blessings, this indisputable, articulate argument for our Lord, has a universal personality. If you ask who he is and what kind of one he is:,

He is such a one that due to the universality of his person, the surface of the earth is his mosque, with Makka being his place of worship and Madina, his pulpit. He is the leader of all believers, who, standing after him in rows, follow the orator of all mankind explaining to them the principles of happiness [in both worlds]. He is the chief of all the Prophets, clearing them of the calumnies their peoples spoke against them and affirming them and the essentials of their religions within his comprehensive religion. Muhammad, upon him be peace and blessings, is the master of all saints, guiding and educating them through the light of his Messengership and the "pivot" around whom there is the circle of recitation of God's Names formed of the Prophets, upon them be peace, the good, the truthful, and the righteous, who are all agreed on his Message. He is a luminous tree growing on the firm, healthy and lively roots of the previous Prophets and the heavenly principles they preached, and shooting out green, fresh branches and yielding the fine "fruit" of saints distinguished with knowledge of God. Whatever he claimed, it is confirmed by the whole of the Prophets based on their miracles, and the whole of saints based on their good or marvelous works. All the affirmations he made bear the seals of all perfected people. If you hear him declaring There is no god but God and therefore affirming Divine Unity, you will surely hear the same declaration from the past and future, from the illustrious, shining "suns" and stars of humanity reciting God's Names in His circle. Despite the differences in their approaches and temperaments, they agree with him on all his affirmations, as if saying in unison, "You declare the truth and speak the truth."

So, on the basis of a few mere illusions, how can one dare to raise an objection to a claim affirmed by innumerable witnesses whose miracles and marvelous good works display their pure characters and truthfulness?
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