Mathnawi al-Nuriya ( not all sections) | Second Treatise | 3

Second droplet

Know that this illustrious person, who affirms Divine Unity and guides mankind to it, is himself confirmed by Prophethood and sainthood, which, for fourteen centuries, hundreds of millions of people have unanimously agreed that he enjoys. Also, in the previous heavenly Scriptures—the Torah, the Gospel, the Psalms and others—there are verses predicting him and confirming his Prophethood. Again, he is confirmed by the marvels that, prior to his Prophethood, either he himself worked or took place connected with him. Besides, as is reported through reliable channels, his coming was predicted prior to his birth and Prophethood. In addition, he is affirmed by the hundreds of miracles he worked—such as his splitting of the moon, the abundant flow of water from his fingers, trees' moving in answer to his call, the coming of rain upon his prayer, satisfaction of many hungry people with very little food through his blessing, the speaking to him of rocks, trees and animals like the lizard, gazelle, camel and wolf—all of which were narrated by truthful traditionists and historians. He is also confirmed by the law contained in his religion that enables people to find happiness in both worlds.
You have already seen somewhere else the rays from the "sun" of the law contained in his religion diffusing happiness. If there is not a covering on your eyes and a seal on your heart, they will be enough for you.

Third droplet

Know that, besides numerous arguments for his Prophethood, the very person or character of the Prophet Muhammad, upon him be peace and blessings, proves his Prophethood. Like the sun [showing itself through its light, heat and other manifestations], all the praiseworthy virtues concentrated in his person and the merits and excellences he displayed in fulfilling his mission, confirm his Prophethood. His firm belief demonstrated by his austere life, his great fear of God and righteousness and his matchless servanthood to his Lord are further proofs. Muhammad's utmost submission to God to which his life testifies, the perfection of his earnestness, firmness and courage, and his utmost certainty in his movements testified to by his full confidence in his cause—all this confirms him in his cause. Also, just as green leaves, bright flowers and fresh, radiant fruits bear witness to the vigor of the tree, so his full adherence to his cause and following it in utmost certainty and strictness also confirm him in his claim.
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