Mathnawi al-Nuriya ( not all sections) | Second Treatise | 6

Had it not been for that person, the universe with everything in it and man would have been reduced to something worthless and meaningless. Had it not been for that wonderful, superior person who makes known the universe and its Creator, this beautiful universe would not have existed. For we would have been unable to know what it means for us. How truthful He is Whose words are true and for Whom is the kingdom of all creation, in His declaration: But for you, I would not have created the worlds.

Sixth droplet

I have urged you to look and listen to what he says. He speaks about eternal happiness and brings good tidings of it. He unveils the infinite mercy and announces it to all people, calling them to it. He also heralds the beauties of the Divine rule and upbringing and reveals the secrets of the treasuries of the Divine Names.

Look at him from the viewpoint of his mission. You will see him as the proof and lamp of the truth, the sun of guidance and the means of happiness.

Then, look at him from the viewpoint of his person. You will see him as the epitome of the All-Merciful's love [of His creatures] and the embodiment of the Lord's mercy for them. He is also the honor of humanity and the most radiant and illustrious of the fruits of the tree of creation.

Now look at him and see how the light of his religion has reached the East and West with the speed of lightning and one fourth of mankind has wholeheartedly accepted the gift of his guidance.

Is it then at all possible for the carnal self and Satan to argue with reason and without sophistry against the affirmations of one like that man, especially against the foundation of all his affirmations, namely There is no god but God?
No Voice