Mathnawi al-Nuriya ( not all sections) | Second Treatise | 9

Tenth droplet

Look and listen to what he says. He speaks about awesome events and warns people [about them]. He also speaks about matters that captivate hearts and inspire minds to reflect, and he brings mankind good tidings [of a happy future both in this world and the Hereafter].

You know that many people have so great a desire to know the reality of things and events as even to sacrifice their souls. If they told you that someone had come from the moon or Jupiter and was saying very interesting things about them and also foretelling everybody's future, would you not agree to sacrifice half of your belongings or even your life to find out what he had to tell? How surprising it is then, that while you would most probably agree to sacrifice half of your life or belongings only to satisfy your curiosity, you do not care what that noble being says. Yet the people of truth and expert knowledge including the Prophets, truthful and truth-seeking scholars and saints, have all confirmed him and are all agreed on whatever he said and whatever he predicted. He speaks about the acts of a Monarch in Whose kingdom the moon is no more than a fly flying around a moth. The moth itself flies around a lamp He has lit in one of the thousands of His mansions that He has prepared for His guests. He also speaks about a world full of wonders and marvels and about a revolution so unusual and extraordinary that if the earth exploded and its mountains flew like clouds, this would not be equal in strangeness to one thousandth of that revolution. If you would like to, hear about it from him:

When the sun is folded up, and when the stars fall, losing their luster; and when the mountains are moved; and when carnels ten-months pregnant are abandoned; and when the wild beasts are herded together; and when the seas are set boiling, and when souls are reunited, and when the girl-child that was buried alive is asked for what sin she was slain; and the records of men's deeds are laid upon; and when the heaven is torn away; and when the hell is set blazing; and when Paradise is brought near; then every soul will know what it has prepared.2

When the sky is cleft asunder, and when the planets are dispersed, and when the oceans are poured forth, and when the graves are overturned, each soul will know what it has sent forward and what it has kept back.3

3. al-lnfitar, 82,1-5.
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