Mathnawi al-Nuriya ( not all sections) | Second Treatise | 12
Now look at his manners and see how he supplicates in utmost consciousness of his poverty before his Lord and in a most ardent desire and deep sorrow! He stirs the universe to tears and it participates in his prayer. Then look for what he supplicates! He supplicates for the realization of such a purpose that if it is not realized, then the whole of mankind, indeed all creatures, will fall into the lowest of the low, with no value and meaning at all. However, by the realization of that purpose, all creatures will rise each to its rank of perfection according to its own capacity. Also, look how he supplicates with such deep yearning for help and such a pitiful request for mercy that the Divine Throne of Universal Rule and the heavens are moved to pity and love and say: "Amen, O God, Amen"! Again, look to Whom he applies for the realization of his purpose! He applies to the One Ail-Powerful, All-Hearing, All-Munificent, and All-Knowing, All-Seeing and All-Compassionate One Who hears the most secret petition which an animal makes in the most secret place for its most secret need, and manifestly answers it, satisfying that need. He also sees the least desire of the least living being for the least thing and manifestly enables it to realize its desire from a direction it had not reckoned. He gives freely and shows compassion in such a wise, orderly, regular way that no doubt remains that this kind of training, raising and sustenance can only be the work of One All-Hearing, All-Knowing, All-Seeing and All-Wise.

Twelfth droplet

How extraordinary! What does this being ask for, who stands on earth with all the Prophets, the most virtuous of mankind, behind him and, holding his hands towards the Supreme Throne of God, makes a supplication to which mankind and jinn say "Amen"? We know by his acts that he is the honor of humanity and pride of all beings and the unique one among creation at all times. He intercedes with God [for all beings] for the sake of all the Divine Names manifested in the "mirrors" of beings. Listen! He asks for eternal existence, meeting with God, Paradise and God's good pleasure. Eternal happiness is necessitated by (among other reasons) the Divine Mercy, Favoring, Wisdom and Justice, and God's Beautiful Names, almost all of which demand the existence of the other world. But even if it weren't so, a single prayer of that illustrious being would suffice for his Lord's building of Paradise for him and his followers, as He builds for us in every spring Paradise-like gardens ornamented with the miracles of His Art. Just as his mission of Messenger-ship caused the building of this world for trial and worship, so the prayer he makes as a requirement and dimension of his ser-vanthood would cause the construction of the other world for reward and punishment.

The matchless beauty of the universe is so perfect that it prompted a man like Imam Ghazzali to say, "It is not possible for another creation more beautiful than the present one to come into existence." Is it then possible for that extraordinary order and harmony, that all-inclusive mercy and faultless artistry, and that matchless beauty to be combined and marred with detestable ugliness, terrifying injustice, and great confusion? The petition from the least creature for its least need is heard and answered most attentively. Would it not be a supreme ugliness and unequalled fault not to hear the loudest voice and a supplication made for the greatest need, and not to accept the best of requests made with a most beautiful desire and longing? God is absolutely free of such ugliness and fault. The faultless beauty observed throughout the universe does not admit such ugliness. It is impossible.
No Voice