Mathnawi al-Nuriya ( not all sections) | Second Treatise | 11
While souls should be sacrificed for his sake and everyone should renounce the world and whatever is in it to hasten to him, how can they not care about a being as wonderful as he?

Eleventh droplet

Know that that illustrious being whom we know by his most sublime character and the world recognizes by his matchless accomplishments, and who is an articulate, truthful argument for God's Oneness and a most true evidence of His Unity, is a decisive argument and definite evidence of eternal happiness. Through his call and guidance he is the means of gaining the eternal happiness, the creation of which he caused through his prayer and servanthood.
If you wish, look at him in the most comprehensive prayer that he leads before the inhabitants of the Arabian Peninsula, rather the inhabitants of the whole world. Look again: he is standing in that most comprehensive prayer in the Arabia of his century with all the virtuous descendants of Adam from the time of Adam to the end of time standing in rows behind him and following him. All down the centuries they follow him in worship and say "Amen" to his supplications. Be attentive to what he does and says in that worship. Look! He prays out of a deep, comprehensive and mighty need. The whole world, the heavens and all creatures accompany him in his prayer and say in the tongues of their behavior and dispositions: "Yes, O Lord, accept his prayer. We too ask what he asks of You; together with everything we have—our eyes, ears, tongues, hands, legs, heart, minds, etc.—as the manifestations of Your Names, we ask of You whatever He asks."
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