Mathnawi al-Nuriya ( not all sections) | Second Treatise | 14

The arguments for the Prophethood of Muhammad, upon him be peace and blessings, are uncountable, some few of which we mentioned in The Nineteenth Word and The Nineteenth Letter. The miracles he worked amount to one thousand. Moreover, the Qur'an, the aspects of whose miraculousness numbering around fifty we explained in The Twenty-fifth Word, also testifies to the Prophethood of Muhammad, upon him be peace and blessings. Again, with all the signs it contains, this universe bears witness to his Prophethood. Also, among the creatures distributed throughout the universe there are both innumerable signs of the Unity of the Divine Being and countless evidences of the Messengership of Muhammad, upon him be peace and blessings.

Among these signs and evidences, consider, for example, the fine artistry in creation. The perfection of the fine artistry in creation is a decisive evidence of Muhammad's Messengership, upon him be peace and blessings. For the beauty of these ornamented creatures manifests to the observer a fine artistry in their creation and a richly ornamented form and constitution. The fine artistry and ornamentation evidently point out that the Maker has a boundless will to make beautiful and ornamented. The will to make beautiful or ornamented clearly indicates that the Maker has an elevated love for His creation and a sacred desire to manifest the perfection of His Art. This love and desire decisively show that man—the most perfect and finest of creatures and most comprehensive of beings—is the comprehensive and excellent object and focus of this love and desire. Man's being the finest and most comprehensive of creatures means that he is the conscious fruit of the tree of creation. That is, he is like a conscious fruit that has grown on the tree of creation. His being like the fruit means that among the parts of creation, man is finer and more comprehensive than all the other parts. His being the finest and most comprehensive and conscious signifies that he has an all-encompassing view and universal consciousness. That is, he has a full view of the whole of the tree of creation and is fully aware of the Maker's purposes. He is the direct, special addressee of the Maker. His having an all-encompassing view and universal consciousness has been the reason of the Maker's choosing him as His direct, special addressee. There is one individual who focuses his all-encompassing view and universal consciousness exclusively on servanthood to the Maker and love of Him and on appreciation and exhibition of His Art. There is one who uses all his consciousness, attention and strength in thanksgiving to that Maker, Who demands thanksgiving in return for His bounties, and in calling all people to servanthood and thanksgiving to Him. Surely, this individual will be the first and foremost addressee of the Maker, the nearest to Him and most beloved by Him.
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