Mathnawi al-Nuriya ( not all sections) | Second Treatise | 16

Is it reasonable for you, O man, that the Maker of these creatures ornamented with endless varieties of beauty, and the Giver of all these bounties, Who considers the delicacies of taste in the mouths of all creatures, is not attentive to that most perfect and beautiful creature? Muhammad, upon him be peace and blessings, turns to Him with perfect yearning, servanthood and love. He enraptures the heavens and earth with his loud songs of applause and appreciation of that Maker's Art. He throws the land and sea into ecstasies with his chants of gratitude for that Creator's favors and with the splendor of his glorification and magnification of the Grandeur of that Creator and Giver of Bounties.

Is it possible that such a Maker, Benevolent and Omnipotent, does not consider that appreciative and grateful one? Is it possible that He does not turn to him with affection? Is it possible that He does not speak to him? Is it possible that He does not love him? Is it possible that He does not draw him near to Him? Is it possible that He does not desire that his good conduct and refined manners be approved and imitated by all other people? Is it possible that He does not make him an example to be followed by others so that they may take his "color"? Is it possible that He does not send him as a Messenger to all human beings?

Is it possible that the Maker of these completely well-formed creatures, the delicacies of whose artistic design point to an infinite knowledge and boundless wisdom, is unaware and unconscious of that most perfect and most beautiful member of His creation?

Is it possible that He does not know and see him and not speak to him?

Is it possible that He does not make Himself known and loved through the ornaments of His creatures? Is it possible that He does not know and love the one who loves Him as much as He deserves and makes Him known as He must be known, who makes himself loved by Him through his faithfulness and worships Him most truly?
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