The Words | 20. Word - Second Station | 271

And, for example, the natural sciences, which discuss the reality of beings; through seeing the regulating, nurturing supreme manifestations of Almighty God's (May His glory be exalted) Name of All-Wise in things, in their benefits and advantages, and through attaining to the Name, and being based on It, these sciences may contain true wisdom. Otherwise they are either transformed into superstition, or become nonsense, or open up the way to misguidance like Naturalist philosophy.

There, three examples for you! You may make analogies with these for the other sciences and attainments.

Thus, with this verse, the All-Wise Qur'an strikes the hand of encouragement on man's back, urging him to the highest peaks, the furthest limits, the final degrees, which he is far behind at the present degree of his progress. It points its fingers at those degrees, saying: "Forward march!" Contenting ourselves for now with these jewels from the sublime treasury of this verse, we close this door.

Also, for example, the All-Wise Qur'an, the supreme miracle of Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him), the Seal of the Office of Prophet-hood, in the face of whose claim to Divine Messengership the miracles of all the former Prophets were like a single confirmatory miracle; the leader of the Prophets and cause of pride of the universe; who manifested in detail with all their degrees all the Names which were taught in brief to Adam (PUH); who, in raising his finger, through the manifestation of Divine glory split the moon, and lowering it, through the manifestation of Divine beauty poured water from it like the Spring of Kawthar; and who was verified and corroborated by a thousand miracles.35 Through numerous clear verses like,

Say: If all mankind and the Jinn were to gather together to produce the like of this Qur'an, they could not produce the like thereof, even if they backed up each other with help and support,36

which describes the purity of its exposition, the eloquence of its expression, the comprehensiveness of its meanings, and the elevatedness and sweetness of its styles concerning truth and reality, which are the most brilliant of the All-Wise Qur'an's aspects of miraculousness — through verses like these, it directs the gazes of men and jinn to the clearest and most brilliant aspects of this pre-eternal miracle. It provokes all men and jinn. Arousing the eagerness of its friends and obstinacy of its enemies, it urges them with intense encouragement to imitate and copy it, to resemble it with their words. It also places that miracle before the eyes of creatures in such a way that it is as if the only aim in man coming into this world is to take that miracle as his goal and guiding principle, and studying it to understand the purpose of his creation, and to proceed towards it.


35.       Bayhaqi, Datait al-Nubuwwa, i, 10; Ibn Hajar, Fath al-Bari, vi, 58, 583.

36.       Qur'an, 17:88.

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