The Words | 20. Word - Second Station | 272

In Brief: The miracles of the other Prophets (Peace be upon them) all indicate a wonder of human art or craft, and Adam's (Peace be upon him) miracle indicates in concise form, besides the bases of those crafts, the index of the sciences and branches of knowledge, and of the wonders and perfections, and urges man towards them. As for the Qur'an of Miraculous Exposition, the supreme miracle of Muhammad (PBUH), since it shows in detail the reality of the teaching of the Names, it points clearly to the true goal of the sciences and branches of knowledge, which are truth and reality, as well as the perfections, attainments, and happiness of this world and the next. With truly powerful encouragement, it urges man towards them. It encourages and urges in a such way it says:

"O man! In the face of manifestations of dominicality, the elevated purpose of the universe is man's universal worship and submission to God, while his furthest aim is to attain to that worship by means of those sciences and perfections." In stating this, it hints:

"At the end of time, mankind will spill into science and learning. It will obtain all its strength from science. Power and rule will pass to the hand of science."

Also, since the Qur'an of Miraculous Exposition repeatedly puts forward its eloquence and beauty of expression, by allusion it says: "At the end of time, eloquence and beauty of expression, the most brilliant of the sciences and branches of knowledge, will be most sought after in all their varieties. Even, in order to make one another accept their ideas and carry out their word, men will find their most effective weapon in eloquent expression, and their most irresistible force in fine oratory."

In Short: Most of the Qur'an's verses are keys to a treasury of perfections and guides to a store of knowledge.

If you wish, you may reach up to the skies of the Qur'an and the stars of its verses by making the previous twenty Words a stairway of twenty steps.37Through them you will see what a brilliant sun is the Qur'an! See how it sprinkles a pure light over the Divine truths and the truths of the contingent realm! See what a brilliant effulgence it spreads!

Conclusion: Since together with alluding to the wonders of present-day human progress, all the verses about the Prophets are also in a style which as though infers and traces their limits in the future; and since it is certain that all the verses point to numerous meanings, indeed, it is unanimously agreed upon, and since there are categorical commands to follow and obey the Prophets, then together with the explicit meanings of the above verses, it may be said that they indicate in allusive fashion the important of man's arts and sciences, and urge him towards them.

37.Indeed, the thirty-three Words, thirty-three Letters, thirty-one Flashes, and thirteen Rays form a stairway of one hundred and twenty steps.

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