The Words | 25. Word | 408

Fourth Flash: This is the extraordinary comprehensiveness of the subjects it puts forward. Together with bringing together the extensive subjects of man and his duties, the universe and the Creator of the universe, the heavens and the earth, this world and the hereafter, the past and the future, and pre-eternity and post-eternity, the Qur'an explains all the essential and important topics from man's creation from seminal fluid till when he enters the grave; from the correct conduct of eating and sleeping to the matters of Divine Decree and Determining; from the creation of the world in six days, to the duties of the wind blowing, indicated by the oaths of,

By the [winds] that scatter,67


By the [winds] sent forth;68* from His intervention in man's heart and will, indicated by, comes between a man and his heart,69


But you will not except as God wills,70


And the heavens rolled up in His right hand,71

that is, to His holding all the heavens within His grip; from the flowers, and grapes, and dates of the earth described in,

And We produce therein gardens of date-palms and vines72

to the strange truth expressed by,

When the earth is shaken to its utmost convulsion;73

from the state of the skies in,

Then He directed [His will] towards the skies and they were smoke,73

to their being rent with smoke and the stars falling and being scattered in infinite space; from the world's being opened for test and examination, to its closing; from the grave, the first dwelling of the hereafter, and then from the Intermediate Realm, the resurrection, and the Bridge, to eternal happiness; from the events of the past, and the creation of the body of Adam and the dispute of his two sons, to the Flood, and the drowning of the people of Pharaoh, and the major events of most of the prophets; and from the pre-eternal circumstance alluded to by,

67. Qur'an, 51:1.
68. Qur'an, 77:1.
69. Qur'an, 8:24.
70. Qur'an, 76:30.
71. Qur'an, 39:67.
72. Qur'an, 36:34.
73. Qur'an, 99:1.
74. Qur'an, 41:11.

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