The Words | 25. Word | 414

And, for example:

This day We shall save you in your body82

By saying to Pharaoh, who is drowning: "Today I am going to save your body which will drown," it is expressing a death-tainted, exemplary rule of the Pharaohs' lives, which was, as a consequence of the idea of metempsychosis and mummifying the bodies of all of them, to take them from the past and send them to be viewed by the generations of the future. And this present century a body was discovered which was the very body of Pharaoh, thrown up on the seashore where he drowned. The verse thus states a miraculous sign of the Unseen, that the body was to be borne on the waves of the centuries and cast up from the sea of time onto the shore of this century.

And, for example:

They slaughtered your sons and let your women-folk live83

With an event in the time of a Pharaoh, the slaughtering of the sons of the Children of Israel and the sparing of their women and daughters, it mentions the numerous massacres which the Jewish nation has suffered every age, and the role their women and girls have played in dissolute human life.

And you will indeed find them, of all people, most greedy of life ,84 * And you see many of them racing each other in sin and rancour, and their eating of things forbidden. Evil indeed are the things they do85 * But they [ever] strive to do mischief on earth. And God loves not those who do mischief86 * And We gave [clear] warning to the Children of Israel in the Book, that twice they would do mischief on the earth87 * And do no evil nor mischief on the earth:88

These two statements of the Qur'an directed at the Jews, comprise the two fearsome general rules, that that nation hatches plots in human social life with their trickery, which shake human society. They say that just as it was that nation which made labour contest with capital; and through usury and compounded interest, made the poor clash with the rich, and caused the banks to be founded, and amassed wealth through wiles and fraud; so it was again that nation who, in order to take their revenge on the victors and governments under which they always suffered deprivation and oppression, were involved in every sort of corrupting covert organization and had a finger in every sort of revolution.

82. Qur'an, 10:92.
83. Qur'an, 2:49; 14:6.
84. Qur'an, 2:96.
85. Qur'an, 5:62.
86. Qur'an, 5:64.
87. Qur'an, 17:4.
88. Qur'an, 2:60.

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