The Words | 25. Word | 447

If someone were to come forward now and put some of the truths the Qur'an brought into a childish order according to his own fancies, and if he were to compare these with some of the Qur'an's verses in order to contest them, and say "I have uttered words close to the Qur'an's," it would be utterly foolish, like in the following example: there is a common man, a builder of ordinary houses, incapable of understanding the elevated inscriptions of a master who has built a splendid palace the stones of which are various jewels, and has decorated it with harmonious adornments which look to the elevated inscriptions of all the palace and their relation to the stones. If the common man, who had no share in any of the jewels and adornment of the palace, were to enter the palace, destroy the elevated inscriptions in the valuable stones and give it a form, an order, similar to that of an ordinary house in accordance with his childish desires and tack on a few beads pleasing to his juvenile view, and then say, "Look! I have greater skill and wealth and more precious adornments than the builder of the palace," in comparison, it would be the art of a crazy, raving forger.


The Third Light consists of three Gleams.

 FIRST GLEAM: An important aspect of the Qur'an of Miraculous Expositions's miraculousness was explained in the Thirteenth Word. It has been included here so that it might take its place among the other aspects of miraculousness, its brothers. It is as follows: if you want to see and appreciate how, like shining stars, all the Qur'an's verses scatter the darkness of unbelief by spreading the light of miraculousness and guidance, imagine yourself in the age of ignorance and desert of savagery where everything was enveloped in lifeless veils of nature, under the darkness of ignorance and heedlessness. Then suddenly from the elevated tongue of the Qur'an, you hear verses like:

Whatever is in the heavens extols and glorifies God, for He is the Mighty, the Wise.153 * Whatever is in the heavens and earth extols and glorifies God, the Sovereign, the Most Holy One, the Mighty, the Wise.154

See how those dead or sleeping creatures of the world spring to life at the sound of extols and glorifies in the minds of those listening, how they awake, spring up, and mention God's Names! And at the sound of,

The seven heavens and the earth and all within them extol and glorify Him155

153. Qur'an, 57:1; 59:1; 61:1.
154. Qur'an, 62:1.
155. Qur'an, 17:44.

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