The Words | 29. Word - Second Aim | 541

Seventh Point: All the exquisiteness, all the virtues, all the perfections, all the attraction, all the yearning, all the compassion known and seen in the universe are meanings, significations, immaterial words. They necessarily and self-evidently show to the heart and thrust in the mind's eye the manifestations of the All-Glorious Maker's favour and kindness, bene-volence and munificence. Since there is a truth, a reality, in this world, most certainly there is true mercy. And since there is true mercy, there will be eternal happiness. The Fourth Truth of the Tenth Word, and also the Second Truth, have illuminated this fact as clearly as daylight.

Eighth Point: Man's conscience, which is his conscious nature, looks to and points to eternal happiness. Yes, if anyone listens to his own awakened conscience, he will hear a voice crying: "Eternity! Eternity!" Should the whole universe be given to such a conscience, it could not satisfy its need for eternity. That is to say, the conscience being attracted and drawn in this way is possible only because it is attracted by a true aim and captivating truth. The conclusion of the Eleventh Truth of the Tenth Word demonstrates this fact.

Ninth Point: This is the message of Muhammad the Arabian (Peace and blessings be upon him), who was truthful, veracious, and trustworthy. Indeed, his words opened the doors of eternal happiness; all that he said are windows opening onto everlasting bliss. In fact, he held in his hand the consensus of all the prophets (Peace be upon them) and the unanimous agreement of all the saints, for after Divine unity, all their calls and efforts were concentrated on the resurrection of the dead and eternal happiness. Is there anything that could shake such a strength? The Twelfth Truth of the Tenth Word demonstrates this truth,in the most obvious manner.

Tenth Point: This is the certain news of the Qur'an of Miraculous Exposition, which has preserved its miraculousness in seven respects for thirteen centuries, and as is proved in the Twenty-Fifth Word, is a miracle through its forty sorts of miraculousness. Yes, this news of the Qur'an is the revealer of bodily resurrection, and the discloser of the enigmatic talisman of the world and the key to the wisdom in the universe. Also, the certain rational proofs contained in the Qur'an of Miraculous Exposition, which it lays before the eyes, commanding that they be pondered over are thousands in number. In short, the Qur'an presents for man to study a great many verses and great many telescopes revealing eternal bliss, like,

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