The Words | 29. Word - Second Aim | 543

Thus, whichever of these particles you consider with the eye of wisdom, you will see that blind chance, lawless coincidence, deaf nature, and unconscious causes can in no way interfere with it; it is impelled in a discerning, orderly, hearing, and knowing fashion. For whichever stage each of them enters from the surrounding element to the body's cell, it acts as though voluntarily through the specified laws of that stage. It enters it in an orderly fashion. To whichever level it journeys, it steps with such order that it appears self-evidently to be proceeding at the command of an All-Wise Mover. In this way, it gradually advances from stage to stage, and level to level until, at the command of its Sustainer, without deviating from its aim and object, it reaches its appropriate position, for example the pupil of Tevfik's eye, where it establishes itself and works.

This situation, that is, the manifestation of dominicality in sustenance, demonstrates that first the particles were determined; they were appointed to the task, they were designated to those positions. It is as if the existence of an arrangement and order, like "This will be the sustenance of so-and-so's cells" being written on the forehead of each of them, points to each person's sustenance being written on his forehead by the pen of Divine Determining, and his name being written on his sustenance. Is it at all possible that the All-Glorious Maker, Who nurtures and sustains with boundless power and all-encompassing wisdom, Who has absolute disposal over all beings from minute particles to the planets, and spins them with order and balance, should not bring about 'the last creation,' or that he should be unable to do so?

Thus, many verses of the Qur'an present to man's view this wise last creation, which will take place at the resurrection of the dead and Great Gathering. It removes doubt and uncertainty. It says:

Say, He will give them life Who created them in the first instance.19

That is, the One Who created you from nothing in so wise a form is He Who will bring you to life again in the hereafter. And it says:

And it is He Who begins [the process of] creation, then repeats it; and for Him it is most easy.20

That is, "Your return and being raised to life at the resurrection is easier and more trouble-free than your creation in this world."

19. Qur'an, 36:79.
20. Qur'an, 30:27.

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