Letters ( revised ) | THE THIRD LETTER | 34

And so, if such acts as the whirling and rotations, the circulation and revolutions, and the glorification-scattering  promenading and excursions of the four seasons and day and night in the universe are ascribed to unity, then by impelling a single globe with  a  single  command,  a  Single  Being  can obtain  those  elevated  situations  and exalted results. He can display the wonders of art in the alternation of the seasons, and the marvels of wisdom in the revolutions of day and night, and the graceful spectacles in the apparent motions of the stars, sun, and moon. For the army of all beings is His. If He wishes, He may appoint a soldier like the earth to be commander of all the stars, make the mighty sun a lamp furnishing  heat and light for his people, and the four seasons, which are tablets of the inscriptions of His power, as shuttles, and night and day, which are pages for the writings of His wisdom, He can make into bows. By showing each day the moon in a different shape, He makes it a calendar for reckoning time. And just as He makes the stars adorned, elegant, shining lanterns in the hands of the angels, dancing in ecstasy, so too He demonstrates many instances of wisdom that look to the earth. If these situations are not sought from One Being whose command, order, law, and regulation address all beings, then all the suns and stars would have to cut an infinite distance each day with actual motion and infinite speed.

It is because of the infinite ease in unity and infinite difficult y in multiplicit y that businessmen and industrialists give a unity to multiplicity and so make things easy; that is, they form companies.

In Short: There are infinite difficulties in the way of misguidance, and infinite ease in the way of unity.


The Eternal  One, He is the Eternal One!


S a i d  N u r s i

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