Letters ( revised ) | THE NINETEENTH LETTER | 111


THE  NINETEENTH  LETTER,  The  Miracles  of  Muhammad  (UWBP):
Itself a marvel in several respects, this Letter describes more than three hundred miracles of Muhammad  (UWBP). It consists of nineteen signs. 112


The First Sign establishes that the Master and Owner of the Universe will speak with man, and foremost the most perfect of mankind, with Muhammad  (UWBP), and make him the guide to the rest of humanity. 114

Second Sign: On the prophethood of Muhammad (UWBP) 115

Third Sign: The evidences for Muhammad’s (UWBP) messengership   116

Fourth  Sign:  Six  principles  ensuring  a  complete  understanding  of  the Noble Prophet’s predictions about his Companions, his family, and his community.  118

Fifth   Sign:   Examples   of   Hadiths   concerning   the   Prophet’s   (UWBP) predictions relating to the Unseen. It includes important answers to the questions  of  why  ‘Ali  did  not  precede  the  others  in  holding  the Caliphate,   and   why  Islam   experienced   such   disorders   during   his Caliphate;  why  the  Caliphate  did  not  remain  in  his  family;  and  the reasons for the dissensions at that time. 125

Sixth Sign: Further predictions of future events, and includes the answer to a question about the Shi‘a’s love for ‘Ali. 132

Seventh Sign: Sixteen examples relating to the Prophet’s (UWBP) effecting increase in food. 140

Eighth Sign: Relates miracles which were manifested in connection with water. 149

Ninth Sign: Examples of miracles related to trees. Like human beings, trees obeyed his orders, and moving from their places, came to him.155

Tenth Sign: The miracle of the Moaning of the Pole. 159

Eleventh Sign: Shows how rocks and mountains from among lifeless creatures demonstrated prophetic miracles. ........ 162

Twelfth Sign: Consists of three examples related to the Eleventh Sign, but which are of great importance.  166

Thirteenth Sign: Examples of the Prophet’s (UWBP) healing the sick and the wounded. 169

Fourteenth Sign describes wonders manifested as a result of his prayers. 174

Fifteenth Sign: Consists of three branches:


The First shows how the animal kingdom recognized the Prophet (UWBP)

and displayed his miracles.      184


The  Second   concerns  corpses,  jinns,  and  angels  recognizing  God’s

Messenger (UWBP).   188


The Third is the protection and preservation of the Noble Prophet (UWBP), of which there were many instances, and which were clear miracles.  192


Sixteenth Sign: Describes the wonders that took place before his prophetic mission, but which were related to it, called irhasat. They were of three kinds:

The First Kind: The tidings of Muhammad’s Prophethood  given by the Torah, the Bible, the Psalms of David, and other scriptures.196

The  Second  Kind:  Tidings  of  his  coming  given  by  soothsayers,  and people known as saints and gnostics. 208


The Third Kind: The wondrous events that occurred at the time of, and in conjunction with, the birth of God’s Noble Messenger (UWBP).213


Seventeenth Sign: The Messenger’s (UWBP) own self  216


Eighteenth Sign: The greatest miracle of the Messenger (UWBP), the All- Wise  Qur’an.  It  consists  of  three  points  describing  aspects  of  the Qur’an’s miraculousness 218


Nineteenth Sign: Fifteen Principles indicating the integrity, and veracity of the  Prophet  (UWBP),  the  most  conclusive  proof  of  divine  unity  and eternal happiness. 227


FIRST ADDENDUM  TO THE  MIRACLES  OF MUHAMMAD (UWBP): The Nineteenth Word, it proves decisively and explains the Messengership of Muhammad (UWBP).            233


SECOND ADDENDUM: About the Miracle of the Splitting of the Moon.

Refuting objections made to the miracle in the name of science, it demonstrates that there was nothing to prevent its occurrence, and proves clearly that it happened.244


THIRD ADDENDUM: About the Messengership of Mu-hammad (UWBP), this is a concise answer to the question in the Treatise on the Ascension: “Why was this mighty Ascension particular to Muhammad the Arabian (UWBP)?”           249


FOURTH ADDENDUM: The Sixteenth Degree, on the Messengership of

Muhammad, from The Supreme Sign.  253

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