Letters ( revised ) | THE NINETEENTH LETTER | 113

The   principles   explained   at   the   beginning   of  this   treatise   have   extreme importance. As for the prophetic Hadiths related, they are accepted as authentic by the authorities on Hadith, and they report the most established phenomena concerning the messengership   of  Muhammad  (Upon  whom  be  blessings  and  peace).  Now,  to enumerate the merits of this treatise, another treatise of the same length would be needed; we therefore invite those who wish to read it, if only once.


                S a i d   N u r s i

A REMINDER: In this work, I have related many Hadiths, despite having no books to refer to. Should there be any errors in their wording, I request that they either be corrected, or be considered as paraphrases. For, according to the prevailing opinion, “To relate the meanings of Hadiths is permissible,” in which case the narrator puts the meaning of the Hadith into his own words. This being the case, Hadiths with possible errors of wording should be regarded as paraphrases.

          * NOTE: The present translation of the Nineteenth Letter is based on a translation prepared by members of the Risale-i Nur Institute of America in 1976. (Tr.)

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