Letters ( revised ) | THE NINTH LETTER | 51
That is to say, by taking the part of the truth, such people were in one respect Muslim and were called “irreligious Muslims.” Then later I saw certain believers who did not evince support for the injunctions of the Qur’an nor take the part of them, and they reflected the epithet “non-Muslim believers.”

Can belief without Islam be the means of salvation?

The Answer: Neither can Islam without belief be a means of salvation, nor can belief without Islam be a means. All praise and bounty is God’s, through the grace of the  Qur’an’s  miraculousness  the  comparisons  of the Risale-i  Nur have  shown  the fruits of the religion of Islam and results of the Qur’anic truths in such a way that even   if   someone   without   religion   does   not   understand   them,   he   cannot   be unsympathetic towards them. And they have demonstrated proofs of belief and Islam in such powerful fashion that if even a non-Muslim understands them, he is sure to assent to them. While being a non-Muslim, he would believe. Yes, the Words show that the fruits of belief and Islam are as delectable as the fruits of the Tuba-tree of Paradise, and that their results are as agreeable as the pleasures of happiness in this world and the next. They therefore induce in those who see them and know them a feeling of infinite partiality, support, and surrender. Demonstrating proofs as powerful as the chains of beings and numerous as minute particles, they give rise to infinite submission and strength of belief. On certain occasions even, when testifying to belief while reciting the invocations of Shah Naqshband, and when saying: “In accordance with that we live, in accordance with it we shall die, and in accordance with it shall we be raised up on the morrow,” I have experienced an infinite feeling of partiality. If the whole world were given me, I would not sacrifice a single truth of belief. It causes me extreme distress to imagine the reverse of a single truth for a minute even. Were the whole world to be given me, my soul would renounce it unhesitatingly for the existence of a single truth of belief. I feel an infinite strength of belief when I say, “We believe in what You have sent through the Prophet, and we believe in what You have revealed through the Book, and we assent to it.” I consider the opposite of any of the  truths  of  belief  to  be  rationally  impossible,   and  I  look  on  the  people  of misguidance as infinitely foolish and crazy.

I send many greetings to your parents and offer them my respects. Let them pray for me. They are mother  and father  to me since  you are my brother.  And  I send greetings to the people of your village, especially all those who listen to you reading the Words.


The Eternal One, He is the Eternal One!


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