Letters ( revised ) | THE TENTH LETTER | 53
For example, it may be said that a seed resembles the programmes and indexes which will impart order to all the parts of the tree, and is like a miniature embodiment of the creative commands that specify the index and programme.

In  short,  the  Clear  Record  resembles  a  programme  or  index  of  the  tree  of creation, the branches of which have spread throughout the past and the future and the World  of the  Unseen.  In this  sense  it  is a notebook  of divine  determining  and  a collection of its principles. Minute particles are despatched to their duties and motions in the bodies of things through the dictation and decree of those principles.

As for the Clear Book, it looks to the Manifest World rather than the World of the Unseen. That is, it looks to the present more than to the past and the future. It is a title, a notebook, a ledger, of divine power and will more than of divine knowledge and command. If the Clear Record is the notebook of divine determining, the Clear Book is the notebook of divine power.

That is to say, the perfect art and order in the beings, essences, attributes, and qualities of things show that they are being clothed in existence through the principles of a perfect power and the laws of a penetrating will. Their forms are determined and specified, each is given definite proportions and a particular shape. This means the power and will have a universal, general collection of laws, a great ledger, according to which the particular existences and forms of things are cut out, sewn, and clothed. The  existence  of  this  notebook,  like  the  Clear  Record,  has  been  proved  in  the discussions about divine determining and man’s will. So see the foolishness of the people   of  misguidance,   heedlessness,   and   philosophy,   for  they  perceived   the Preserved Tablet of creative power and the manifestation, reflection, and similitude in things  of  that  perspicuous  book  of  dominical  wisdom  and  will,  but,  God  forbid, calling  it  “nature,”  they  made  it  blind.  Thus,  through  the  dictation  of  the  Clear Record,  that  is,  through  the  decree  of  divine  determining  and  according  to  its principles, on creating, divine power writes the chains of beings, each of which is a sign, on the page of time known as the Tablet of Appearance and Dissolution (Levh-i Mahv, Isbat), and causes the motion of particles.

This means that the motion of particles is a vibration, a movement, arising from that writing and copying, as beings pass from the World of the Unseen to the Manifest World, from knowledge to power. As for the Tablet of Appearance and Dissolution, it is  an  ever-changing  notebook,  a  slate  for  writing  and  erasing,  of  the  Supreme Preserved Tablet –

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