Letters ( revised ) | THE TWELFTH LETTER: | 62

Briefly, these are the answers to the three questions you were arguing over. Explanations of them are to be found in the thirty-three Words.

My Dear Brother!

Read this letter to the chemist and to any of those who heard the argument you deem suitable. And convey my greetings to my new student, the chemist, and tell him the following:

It is not permissible to have a heated discussion about subtle matters of belief like these  in a social gathering.  If it turns into an uncontrolled  contest,  while being a panacea  it becomes poison. It is harmful for both those who speak and those who listen.  It is permissible  to discuss  such matters  moderately and fairly,  exchanging ideas. And tell him that if doubts occur to him about matters of this sort and he cannot find the answer in The Words, he may write to me privately. And tell the chemist that it occurred to me that the dream he had about his late father might mean this: since his late father was a doctor, he may have helped some people who were close to God, and at the time of his death the spirits of those blessed people who were grateful to him were seen by the one closest to him, his son, in the form of birds. It occurred to me that they came to meet him with a sort of welcome and this would be intercession for his spirit.

I send greetings to all the friends who were together here that night, and I pray for them.


The Eternal One, He is the Eternal One!


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