Letters ( revised ) | ADDENDUM TO THE SIXTEENTH LETTER | 96
They have prevented me mixing with others. They have prevented me from giving religious instruction despite my having a certificate, and even from giving private instruction in my room. They have prevented me from communicating with others. They have even barred me from the mosque which I repaired and where I acted as prayer-leader for four years, although I had the necessary certificate. And now, to deprive me of the merit of performing the prayers in congregation,  they do not accept me as prayer- leader even for three private individuals, my permanent congregation and brothers of the hereafter.

Furthermore, if, although I do not want it, someone is to call me good, the official who  holds me  in surveillance  is jealous  and  angry.  Thinking  he will destroy m y influence,  he entirely unscrupulously  takes precautions  and pesters me in order  to curry favour with his superiors.

Who can someone in such a position have recourse to anyone other than God Almighty?  If the judge is also the claimant, of course he cannot complain  to him. Come on, you say, what can we say to this? You say what you like, I say this: there are many dissemblers among these friends of mine. A dissembler is worse than an unbeliever. That is the reason they make me suffer what the infidel Russian did not make me suffer.

You unfortunates! What have I done to you and what I am doing? I am trying to save your belief and am serving your eternal happiness! It means that my service is not sincere and purely for God’s sake so that it has the reverse effect. In return, you torment me at every opportunity. For sure, we shall meet at the Last Judgement. I say:


God is enough for us and the best of protectors.(3:173) * The best of lords and the best of helpers.(8:40; 22:78)


The Eternal One, He is the Eternal One!


S a i d   N u r s i


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