Letters ( revised ) | THE NINETEENTH LETTER | 118
This category has twenty different sorts, such as the splitting of the moon, the flowing of water from his fingers, the satisfying of large numbers with a little food, and the speaking of trees, rocks and animals. Each of these sorts also has many instances, and thus has, in meaning, the strength of confirmation by consensus (manevî tevatür). As for the second category, this includes events lying in the future that occurred as he had predicted, on God’s instructions. Now, starting from the last category, we will summarize a list of them. [6]




There is no limit to the reports God’s Most Noble Messenger (Upon whom be blessings and peace) gave concerning the Unseen through the instruction of the One All-Knowing of the Unseen. As we have mentioned the types of these reports in the Twenty-Fifth Word, which is about the miraculousness of the Qur’an, and to a degree explained  and  proved  them,  we  now  refer  to  that  Word  the  explanation  of  the information he gave concerning the Unseen about past times and prophets, as well as truths concerning the Godhead, the universe, and the hereafter, and will point out a few of his many correct predictions about his Companions, his Family and his community. But first, for a complete understanding of the subject, we will state six principles by way of an introduction.


First Principle


           All the states and acts of the Noble Messenger  (Upon whom be blessings and peace)  testified  to  his  veracity  and  prophethood,  but  not  all  of  them  had  to  be miraculous.  For God Almighty sent him in the form of a human being so that he might be a guide and leader to human beings in their social affairs, and in the acts and deeds by means of which they attain happiness in this world and the next; and so that he might disclose to human beings the wonders of His art and His disposive power that  underlie  all  occurrences  and  are  in appearance  customary,  but  in  reality  are miracles of divine power. If, then, he had abandoned the human state in his acts and become  extra-ordinary  in  all  aspects,  he  could  not  have  been  a  leader,  or  have instructed human beings with his acts, states, and conduct. He was, indeed, honoured with  paranormal   phenomena   in  order  to  prove   his  prophethood   to   obstinate unbelievers,  and  from  time to  time performed  miracles  as the  need  arose.  But as required by the examinations and trials that man is set, his miracles never occurred so obviously as to compel everyone to believe, whether willingly or unwillingly.


[6] Unfortunately, I could not write as I had intended. Without choice, I wrote as my heart dictated, and I could not completely conform to the order of this classification.

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