Letters ( revised ) | THE NINETEENTH LETTER | 162

It is for this reason that all the examples of the miracles concerning food and water do not attain the degree of the miracle of the moaning of the pole. However, in their  entirety,  the  various  kinds  of  those  two  miracles  are  as  numerous  and unanimously reported as the moaning of the pole. Moreover, not everyone could see the  increase  of food  and water  flowing  from his fingers;  they could  only see the results. Whereas everyone heard the pole moaning, so it was more widely broadcast.

If it is asked:  All the actions and conduct of God’s Messenger (Upon whom be blessings and peace) were recorded and transmitted by his Companions with extreme care. Why then were such great miracles only narrated through ten or twenty chains of transmission,  when they should have been narrated  through a hundred? Also, why were many narrated from Anas, Jabir, and Abu Hurayra, and few related from Abu Bakr and ‘Umar?

The Answer: The answer to the first part of the question has been given in the Third Principle in the Fourth Sign. Regarding the second part: just as someone in need of  medicine   goes  to  a  doctor,  mathematicians   are  consulted   on  mathematical problems, and questions to do with the Shari‘a are asked of the Mufti, and so on; so too, some of the scholars among the Companions were charged with the duty of instructing succeeding centuries in the Hadiths of the Prophet, working with all their strength for this end. Yes, Abu Hurayra devoted his entire life to memorizing Hadiths, while  ‘Umar  was  occupied  with  the  world  of  politics  and  the  caliphate.  ‘Umar therefore narrated very few traditions, relying on persons like Abu Hurayra, Anas, and Jabir, to teach the Hadiths to the Muslim community. Furthermore, on a well-known, truthful,  sincere,  honest, and trusted Companion  reporting  an incident  through one chain, it was regarded as sufficient, and no need remained for anyone else to narrate it. This is why some significant events were narrated through only two or three chains of transmission.




As the Tenth Sign explained miracles of the Prophet (UWBP) related to trees, the eleventh Sign will describe how rocks and mountains among lifeless creatures also demonstrated prophetic miracles. Here we cite a few instances out of many.

F i r s t  E x a m p l e : The great scholar of the Maghrib, Qadi Iyad, in his al- Shifa’ al-Sharif, with a celebrated chain of authorities, and great imams like Bukhari report through an authentic line of transmission, from Ibn Mas‘ud, the Prophet’s (UWBP) servant:

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