Letters ( revised ) | THE NINETEENTH LETTER | 219
They say: “The Qur’an is either inferior to all the other books we have heard read, which not even an enemy could claim – just as it is impossible – or it is superior to all of them and is thus a miracle.” Now, in order to help him, we shall explain  further  the  miraculousness  which  the  ordinary  man  understood  by  just listening. It is as follows:

When  the  Qur’an  of  Miraculous  Exposition  appeared  challenging  the  whole world, it aroused passionate feelings of two kinds in people:

The First: In friends, the desire to imitate it; that is, the desire to resemble the style of their beloved Qur’an, and a wish to speak like it.

The Second: In enemies, the desire to criticize and dispute it; that is, the wish to invalidate its claim of miraculousness by competing with its style.

Thus, because of these two intense emotions, millions of books were written in Arabic,  and are to be seen. Now, whoever  listens  to the most eloquent,  the most brilliant, of these books being read together with the Qur’an is bound to say that it does not resemble any of them. That means that the Qur’an is not of the same level as them. In which case, it must either be inferior to all of them, which together with being impossible a hundred times over, no one, not even Satan, could claim, or the Qur’an of Miraculous Exposition is superior to all of them.

Furthermore, the All-Wise Qur’an demonstrates its miraculousness before the uneducated  mass of people,  who  do not understand  its meaning,  by not wearying them. Indeed, they say: “If I hear the finest and best known poems two or three times, I become bored of them. But the Qur’an never wearies me; the more I listen to it, even, the more it pleases me. It cannot therefore be written by man.”

To children who  try to memorize  it, the  All-Wise  Qur’an shows  its miraculousness by settling in their memories with the greatest of ease, despite their small, delicate, weak and simple heads being unable to retain for long a single page of other books, and many of the verses and phrases of that large Qur’an resembling one another, which should cause muddle and confusion.

Even to the sick and the dying, who are disturbed  by the slightest  sound and noise, the murmuring sound of the Qur’an makes felt a sort of its miraculousness, by being as sweet and agreeable for them as Zamzam water.

No Voice