Letters ( revised ) | THE NINETEENTH LETTER | 237

Tenth Droplet


Now, look! What curiosity-arousing, attractive, necessary, and awesome truths he shows and matters he proves.

You know that what impels man most is curiosity. Even, if it were to be said to you: “Hand over half of your life and property,  and someone will come from the moon and Jupiter and tell you all about them. He will also tell you the truth about your future and what will happen to you.” You would be sure to give them if you have any curiosity at all. Whereas that person (UWBP) tells of a Monarch in whose realm, the moon flies round a moth like a fly, and the moth, the earth, flutters round a lamp, and the lamp, the sun, is merely one lamp among thousands in one of his guest- houses out of thousands.

Also, he speaks truly of a world so wondrous and a revolution so tremendous that if the earth were a bomb and exploded it would not be all that strange. Look! Listen to some of the Suras he is reciting: “When the sun is folded up.”(81:1) * “When the sky is cleft asunder.”(81:2) * “[The Day] of Noise and Clamour.”(101:1)

Also, he speaks truly of a future in comparison  with which the future in this world  is  a  tiny  mirage.  And  he  describes  most  earnestly  such  happiness  that  it resembles an eternal sun in comparison with the fleeting lightning-flash of happiness in this world.


Eleventh Droplet


Surely wonders await us beneath the outer veil of the universe,  which is thus strange  and  perplexing.  So  one  thus  wonderful  and  extraordinary,  a  displayer  of marvels, is necessary to tell of its wonders. It is apparent from that person’s conduct that he has seen them, and sees them, and says that he has seen them. He instructs us most soundly concerning what the God of the heavens and the earth, who nurtures us with  His  bounties,  wants  and  desires  of  us.  Everyone,  therefore,  should  leave everything and hasten to this person and heed the numerous other necessary and curiosity-arousing truths like these that he teaches. So how is it that most people are deaf and blind, and mad even, that they do not see this truth, and not listen to it and understand it?

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