Letters ( revised ) | THE TWENTIETH LETTER | 269

Second Station



[The Second Station proves divine unity at the level of the Greatest Name, briefl y and in summary form.]



THE FIRST PHRASE:  “There is no god but God”

In this phrase  is an affirmation  of the unity of the Godhead  and of the True Object of Worship. An extremely powerful proof of this degree is as follows:

A most orderly activity is apparent on the face of the universe, especially on the page of the earth. And we observe there a most wise creativit y. And we clearly see a systematic unfolding; that is, everything being expanded and revealed and given an appropriate  shape and form. Furthermore,  we see a most compassionate,  generous, and merciful munificence and bountifulness. Since this is so, it of necessity proves, indeed  provokes  awareness  of,  the  necessary  existence  and  unity  of  an  Active, Creative, Opening, and Munificent Possessor of Glory.

Indeed, the constant evanescence and renewal of beings demonstrate that those beings are the manifestations of the sacred names of an All-Powerful Maker, and are shadows  of the  lights  of  His  names;  that  they are works of art produced  by His actions, and impressions and pages inscribed by the pen of divine determining (kader) and power; that they are mirrors reflecting the beauty of His perfection.

Just as the Owner of the universe proves this mighty truth and exalted degree of the  affirmation  of His unity with all the  scriptures  and  sacred  books  that  He has revealed, so have the people of truth and the perfected members of the human race proved it through their investigations and discoveries. The universe too points to this degree through the unceasing testimonies of the miracles of art, wonders of power, and treasuries of wealth that it displays, despite its impotence and poverty. That is to say, the scriptures and books of the Pre-Eternal Witness, and the investigations and unveilings of the people of witnessing, and the orderly states and wise and purposeful functions of the Manifest World are united in their agreement on this degree of the affirmation of divine unity.

Those who do not accept the Single One of Unity (Vâhid-i Ehad), therefore, must either accept innumerable gods, or else like the foolish Sophists, deny both their own existence and that of the universe.

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