Letters ( revised ) | THE TWENTIETH LETTER | 273

T h i r d   S e c t i o n : “His bringing the former into being makes  it as a property, while His giving of existence to the latter makes it as owned.” It has this meaning: the Glorious Lord of All Dominion created the macrocosm, and especially the  face of the earth,  so  that it resembles  countless  concentric  circles  or spheres. Every sphere  is  like  an arable  field  where,  minute  by minute,  season  by season, century by century, He sows, reaps, and harvests crops. He continuously administers His property, and works it.

He has made the world of minute particles, the largest sphere, into a field. With His power and with His wisdom, He unceasingly sows crops in it to the extent of the universe, and reaps and harvests them. He despatches them from the Manifest World to the World of the Unseen; from the sphere of power to the sphere of knowledge.

Next He has made the face of the earth, which is a medium sphere, a place of cultivation  in  exactly  the  same  way,  where,  season  by season,  He  plants  worlds, species, and reaps and harvests them. His immaterial crops too He sends to the immaterial worlds, to the Worlds of the Unseen, and the hereafter, and the World of Similitudes.

A garden,  too, which is a smaller  sphere,  He fills hundreds and thousands of times with power and empties with wisdom. And from the even smaller sphere of an animate creature, a tree or a human being, for example, He harvests crops that are a hundred times greater than the being itself. That is to say, the Glorious Lord of All Dominion creates all things, great and small, universal and particular, as models, and clothes them in hundreds of ways in the weavings of His art, which are embroidered with continuously renewed inscriptions; He displays the manifestations of His names, the miracles of His power. He has created everything in His property as a page; He writes meaningful letters in hundreds of ways on each page; He displays His wisdom, His signs, and He invites intelligent creatures to read them.

In addition to  bringing the macrocosm  into being in the form of a cultivated property,  He has created  man  and has given  him such tools and abilities,  senses, feelings, and especially such a soul, such desires, needs, appetities, greed and claims, that in that extensive property he is like a totally owned creature who is in need of all of it.

Is it therefore at all possible that anything apart from the Glorious Lord of All Dominion, who makes everything from the vast world of minute particles to a fly, as a field  and  cultivated  property,  and  makes  insignificant  man  a  spectator,  inspector, tiller, merchant, herald, worshipper, and slave in that vast property and takes him as an honoured guest and beloved addressee of Himself – could anything other than Him have free disposal over the property and be lord over the totally owned slave?

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