Letters ( revised ) | THE TWENTY-SECOND LETTER | 315
If you have any interest in your social solidarity, then make of the exalted principle of “The believers are together like a well-founded building, one part of which supports the other”[11] your guiding principle in life! Then you will be delivered from humiliation in this world and wretchedness in the hereafter.


Sixth Aspect


Spiritual  life and correctness  of worship  will suffer  as a result  of enmity and rancour, since the purity of intention that is the means of salvation will be damaged. For a biased person will desire superiority over his enemy in the good deeds that he performs and will be unable to act purely for the sake of God. He will also prefer, in his judgement and dealings, the one who takes his side; he will be unable to be just. Thus the purity of intention and the justice that are the bases of all good acts and deeds will be lost on account of enmity and hostility.

The Sixth Aspect is extremely complex, but we will cut it short here since this is not the place to enlarge on it.



[11] Bukhari, Salat, 88; Adab 36; Mazalim, 5; Muslim, Birr, 65; Tirmidhi, Birr, 18; Nasa’i, Zakat, 67; Musnad, vi, 405, 409.

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