Letters ( revised ) | THE TWENTY-FOURTH LETTER | 334
It was then that the causes in this second Sign and the aims in the Indications to follow became apparent. It was made known to me with complete certainty that the activity of divine power in the universe and the constant flood of beings are so meaningful that through them the All-Wise Maker causes all the realms of beings in the universe to speak. It is as if the beings of the earth and the skies and their motion and actions are the words of their speech;  their motion  is their  speech.  That is, the motion  and decline arising  from activity is speech glorifying God. The activit y in the universe is the universe’s silent speech and that of the varieties of its beings; their being made to speak.




Things do not go to non-existence, they rather pass from the realm of power to the  realm  of  knowledge;  they  go  from  the  Manifest  World  to  the  World  of  the Unseen; they turn from the world of change and transience to the worlds of light and eternity. In reality, the beauty and perfection in things pertain to the divine names and are their impresses and manifestations. Since the names are eternal and their manifestations,  perpetual,  certainly their impresses will be renewed, refreshed,  and made beautiful. Things do not vanish into non-existence; their relative determinations change; their realities, essences, and identities, from which spring their beauty and loveliness, effulgence and perfection, are enduring.

The beauty of beings with no spirits pertain directly to the divine names; the honour is theirs; praise is due to them; the beauty is theirs; love goes to them; they suffer no harm on those mirrors changing.

For beings with spirits but no intellect, death is not a departure for extinction, a vanishing  into  non-existence;  it  is  to  be  saved  from  physical  existence  and  the turbulent  duties  of  life.  The  beings  make  over  the  fruits  of  the  duties  they  have performed to their spirits. Relying on a divine name, their immortal spirits persist; indeed, they attain a happiness worthy of them.

For beings that possess both spirit and intellect, death is anyway a journeying to everlasting happiness, to the eternal realm, which is a spring of perfections, material and non-material, and to such other dwelling-places of the All-Wise Maker as the Intermediate Realm, the World of Similitudes, and the Spirit World, which all surpass this world in beauty and luminosity. Their passing does not lead to their death and extinction, separation and non-existence, but to their attaining perfection.

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