Letters ( revised ) | THE TWENTY-SIXTH LETTER | 366
The Qur’an,  then,  is  either  superior  to  all  of  them,  or  inferior  to  all  of  them.  It  is impossible that it is inferior, and no enemy or the Devil even could say that. In which case, the Qur’an is superior to all other books, and is therefore a miracle. In just the same way, we say according to the categorical proof called “residue,” taken from the sciences of method and logic:

“O Satan and O disciples of Satan! The Qur’an is either the Word of God, come from the supreme throne of God and His Greatest Name, or, God forbid, and again, God forbid, it is a human forgery fabricated on earth by someone without belief who neither feared God nor knew Him. In the face of the above proofs, O Satan, you can neither say that, nor could you have said it, nor will you be able to say it in the future. Therefore, the Qur’an is the Word of the Creator of the universe. Because there is no point between the two; it is impossible and precluded that there should be. And we have proved it most clearly and decisively; and you have seen it and heard it.

“In the same way, Muhammad  (Upon whom be blessings and peace) is either God’s Messenger and the highest of the prophets and the most superior of creatures, or, God forbid, he has to be imagined to be someone without belief who fell to the lowest of the low because he lied concerning God, and did not know God, and did not believe   in  His  punishment.[2] And  as  for  this,  O  Devil,   neither   you,  nor  the philosophers of Europe or hypocrites of Asia on whom you rely, could say it; neither could you say it in the past, nor shall you be able to say it in the future, for there is no one in the world who would listen to it and accept it. It is because of this that the most corrupting of those philosophers and the most lacking in conscience of the hypocrites, even, admit that ‘Muhammad  the Arabian (UWBP) was very clever, and was most moral and upright.’

“Since the matter is limited to these two sides, and the second one is impossible and  no  one  at  all claims  it  to  be  true,  and  since  we  have  proved  with  decisive arguments that there is no point between them, for sure and of necessit y, in spite of you and your party, Muhammad the Arabian (Upon whom be blessings and peace) was  the  Messenger  of  God,  and  the  highest  of  the  prophets  and  the  best  of  all creatures.”

Upon him be blessings and peace to the number of angels and jinn and men.


[2] Relying on the fact that the Qur’an mentions the unbelievers’ blasphemies and obscenities, in order to refute them, trembling, I too have been compelled to use these expressions, in the form of impossibilities, to demonstrate the total impossibility and complete worthlessness of the blasphemous ideas of the people of misguidance.

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