Letters ( revised ) | THE TWENTY-SIXTH LETTER | 389

Like this comparison, the Topic about the dispute with the Devil takes the long distance from the divine throne to the ground from Satan’s Party and forcibly drives them into a corner. It leaves the most irrational, the most impossible, the most loathsome place to them. It drives them into a hole so narrow no one could enter it and takes possession of the entire distance in the name of the Qur’an.

If they are asked what the Qur’an is and they reply: “It is a good book, written by man, that teaches good morality,” they should be told: “It must then be the Word of God and you have to accept it as such, for according to your way, you cannot say that it is ‘good’!”

If they are asked what they know about the Prophet (UWBP), and they reply: “He was a very clever person with good morals,” they should be told: “You should believe in him in that case, because if he was very moral and clever, he must have been God’s Messenger. You say he was ‘good,’ but that is unacceptable according to your creed; you can’t say that.” And so on. Further aspects of the reality can be applied to other facets of the comparison.

In consequence,  the First Topic, in which the Devil is disputed with, does not mean that the believers have to know about the miracles of Muhammad (UWBP) and learn about their certain proofs in order to preserve their faith. A slight hint, a small indication, will save it. All the deeds, all the qualities, all the conduct of Muhammad (UWBP) are miracles of a sort, proving that his position is at the highest of the high, not at the lowest of the low at the bottom of the well.




Seventh Matter



An instructive matter:


[Because   some   of  my  friends   have   groundless   worries   and  are becoming dispirited, I am obliged to relate a dominical favour and an instance  of  divine  protection  which  pertain  solely  to service  of the Qur’an,  in order to strengthen their morale,  and since they have that weak  vein  of  temperament,  to  save  them.  What  I  have  to  say  is suggested  by  seven  signs.  Four  of  them  show  how  those  friends received blows entirely contrary to their intentions, as a result of their taking up hostile positions towards me not personally but because I serve the Qur’an, purely for worldly aims and despite being friends.

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