Letters ( revised ) | THE TWENTY-SIXTH LETTER | 396

Tenth Matter



[It was requested by some friends that a principle concerning visitors be explained. That is the reason this was written.]



It should be known that those who visit me either come in respect of worldly life, and that door is closed; or they come in respect of the life of the hereafter, and in that respect there are two doors: either they come supposing my person to be blessed and to possess high spiritual rank, and that door is closed too. For I do not like myself and I do not like people who like me. All thanks be to Almighty God that He did not make me like myself. Or they come purely in respect of my being a herald of the All-Wise Qur’an. I willingly accept anyone who enters by this door. Such people are of three sorts: they are either friends, or brothers, or students.

The characteristics of friends and conditions of their friendship: They have to earnestly support our work and service connected with the Words and the lights of the Qur’an. They should not support injustice, innovations, or misguidance in heartfelt fashion. They should themselves try to profit from the Words.

The   characteristics   of  brothers   and   conditions   of   their   brotherhood: Together with truly and earnestly working to disseminate the Words, they should perform the five obligatory prayers and not commit the seven grievous sins.

The characteristics of students and conditions of their studentship: To feel as though the Words are their own property written by themselves, and to know their vital duty, their life’s work, to be the service and dissemination of them.

These  three  levels  are  connected  with  my  three  personalities.  A  friend  is connected with my individual, essential personality. A brother is connected with the personality that springs from my worship and bondsmanship of Almighty God. And a student is connected with the personality that undertakes the duties of herald of the Wise Qur’an and teacher.

Such meetings yield three fruits:

The First: In regard to being herald, it is to receive instruction about the jewels of the Qur’an from either myself or the Words. Even if it is only a single lesson.

The Second:  In respect  of worship,  it is to have a share of my gains of the hereafter.

The Third: It is to turn together towards the divine court, and binding our hearts to Almighty God and seeking success and guidance, to work together in the service of the All-Wise Qur’an.

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