Letters ( revised ) | THE TWENTY-EIGHTH LETTER | 419

          The Fifth Matter, which is the Fifth Part



On Thanks



In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate. And there is nothing but it glorifies Him with praise.



Will they not then give thanks?(36:35, 73) * Will they not then give thanks? * And  we shall  surely  reward  those  who  give  thanks.(3:145)  *  If you give thanks, I shall increase [my favours] to you.(14:7) * Worship God and be of those who give thanks.(39:66)


By repeating verses like these, the Qur’an of Miraculous Exposition shows that thanks is what the Most Merciful Creator wants most from His servants. The Qur’an, the  All-Wise  Distinguisher  between  Truth  and  Falsehood,  calls  on  men  to  offer thanks,  giving  it  the  greatest  importance.  It  shows  ingratitude  to  be  a  denial  of bounties and in Sura al-Rahman utters a fearsomely severe threat thirty-three times with the verse,

So which of the favours of your Sustainer do you deny?(55:13, etc.) It shows ingratitude to be denial and negation.

Indeed, just as the All-Wise Qur’an shows thanks to be the result of creation; so the  universe,  which  is  a  mighty  Qur’an,  shows  the  most  important  result  of  the world’s creation to be thanks. For if the universe is observed carefully, it is seen from the way it is arranged that everything results in thanks; each looks to thanks to an extent and is turned towards it. It is as though thanks is the most important fruit of the tree  of  creation,  and  gratitude  is  the  most  elevated  product  of the  factory  of the universe. The reason for this is as follows:

We see in the creation of the world that its beings are arranged as though in a circle with life as its central point. All beings look to life, and serve life, and produce the necessities of life. That is to say, the One who created the universe chose life from it, giving it preference.

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