Letters ( revised ) | THE TWENTY-EIGHTH LETTER | 435
Through the aspect of unity of the mystery of comparisons, truly disparate matters were collected together. Through the stairs of the mystery of comparisons, the highest truths were easily reached. Through the window of the mystery of comparisons,  a certainty of belief in the truths of the Unseen and fundamentals of Islam was obtained close to the degree of witnessing (şuhûd). The intellect, as well as the imagination and fancy, and the soul and caprice, were compelled to submit, and Satan too was compelled to surrender his weapons.

In Short: Whatever beauty and effectiveness are found in my writings, they are only flashes of the Qur’anic comparisons. My share is only my intense need and my seeking, and my extreme impotence and my beseeching. The ill is mine, and the cure, the Qur’an’s.



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