Letters ( revised ) | THE TWENTY-EIGHTH LETTER | 441

As for other words, on page thirty-three – now open in front of me – the word “am” (or) is repeated fifteen times and fourteen of them face each other. And on this page there are nine instances  of the word “iman” (faith or belief); they face each other. Only, because the scribe left a large space, one of them has deviated a little. On the page now open before me, the word “mahbub” (beloved) is repeated twice; one on the third line and one on the fifteenth; they look to each other in perfectly balanced fashion. Between them, four instances of the word “aşk” (love) have been arranged looking to each other. Other coincidences from the Unseen may be compared to these. Whoever the scribe, and whatever form their lines and pages take, these coincidences are bound to occur to such an extent that it cannot be doubted that they are neither the work of chance nor the creation of the author and scribes. However, they are more striking when written by some of them. This means there is a handwriting that fits these treatises. Some of the scribes approach it. It is strange, it appears most not with the most skilful of them but with the most inexperienced. It is understood from this that the art, grace, and virtues of the Words, which are a sort of commentary on the Qur’an, are not anybody’s; the garments of the harmonious, well-ordered style, which fit the blessed stature of the orderly, beautiful Qur’anic truths, are not measured and cut out voluntarily and consciousnessly  by anyone.  It is that their  stature requires them to be thus; it is an unseen hand that measures them and cuts them according to the stature, and clothes it in them. As for myself (lit. us), I am an interpreter among them, a servant.




In  your  first  question,  you  ask  five  or  six  questions:  “What  will  the  Great Gathering and Last Judgement be like? Will everyone be naked? How shall we find our friends there, and how shall we find God’s Noble Messenger (Upon whom be blessings and peace) in order to avail ourselves of his intercession? How will innumerable people meet with a single person? What will the garments of the people of Paradise and those of Hell be like? And who will show us the way?”

T h e  A n s w e r : The answers to these questions are given most clearly and explicitly  in the books  of Hadith.  Here we shall mention  only one or two points related to our way and method. As follows:

Firstly: It is explained in a letter [2] that the field of the resurrection is within the earth’s annual orbit.


[2] See, The First Letter, page 19.

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