Letters ( revised ) | The Twenty-Ninth Letter | 447

The Twenty-Ninth Letter



[The  Twenty-Ninth  Letter  consists  of  nine  sections.  This,  the  First

Section, contains nine points.]



In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate.

And there is nothing but it glorifies Him with praise!(17:44)



My Dear, Loyal Brother and True Friend in the Service of the Qur’an!

This  time in  your  letter  you  want  an answer  to an important  question  which neither my time nor my state of mind permit me to answer.

My brother! Praise be to God, this  year the numbers of those writing out the treatises have grown considerably. The copies come to me for the second correction and I am busy doing them speedily from morning to evening. Other important jobs remain  undone  but  I  consider  this  duty  to  be  far  more  important.  The  heart predominates over the reason in the months of Sha‘ban and Ramadan in particular, and the spirit becomes animated. So I shall postpone this important matter to another time and write to you about it gradually whenever my heart is inspired by Almight y

God’s mercy. For now I shall explain three points.[1]




The idea expressed as: “The All-Wise Qur’an’s mysteries are not known; the Qur’anic commentators have not understood its reality” has two aspects, and there are two groups of people who say it:

The First  are the people  of truth and  the exacting  scholars.  They say:  “The Qur’an is an unending, inexhaustible treasury. Every era both submits to and accepts its established, incontestible matters, and receives its share of its hidden truths as a sort of supplement; it cannot trespass on the shares of other ages which are concealed.”



[1] The nine points were finally completed.

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