Letters ( revised ) | The Twenty-Ninth Letter | 456
These latter are called “the marks of Islam.” These marks concern everyone and everyone participates in them. To interfere in them without the consent of the public is an infringement of the public’s rights. The most minor of those marks (one which has the status of Sunna) is equal in importance to the greatest matter. They concern  the  whole  world  of  Islam  directly.  Those  who  are  trying  to  break  the luminous chain to which all the great figures of Islam since the Era of the Prophet till now have been bound, and to destroy it and corrupt it, and those who assist them, should dwell on what a ghastly error they are making. If they possess the smallest grain of intelligence, they should tremble!




Some  matters  of  the  Shari‘a,  concerning  worship,  are  not  linked  to  rational thinking; they are performed because they are commanded. The reason for them is the command.

There are others, the reason for which can be understood rationally. That is, they comprise some wisdom or benefit due to which they have been incorporated into the Shari‘a. But that is not the true reason or cause; the true reason is divine command or prohibition.

Instances of wisdom or benefits cannot change the marks of Islam related to worship; the aspect of them related to worship preponderates and they may not be touched. They may not be changed, even for a thousand benefits. Similarly, it is not right to claim that the uses of the marks of Islam are limited to their well-known purposes. It is a false idea. Such purposes are only one out of many. For instance, someone may say: “The wisdom in and purpose of the call to prayer is to summon Muslims to prayer; in which case, it would be enough just to fire a rifle.” However, the foolish person does not know that the summons is only one purpose out of the thousands. Even if the sound of a rifle shot serves the purpose, how, in the name of mankind, or in the name of the people of the town, can it substitute the call to prayer, which is a means of proclaiming worship before divine dominicality and heralding divine unity, the supreme results of the creation of the universe and of mankind?

In Short: Hell is not unnecessary; there are many things which cry out “Long live Hell!” with all their strength. Paradise  is not cheap, either; it demands a high price.


Not  equal  are  the  Companions  of  the  Fire  and  the  Companions  of  the Garden; it is the Companions of the Garden who will achieve felicity… (To the end of the verse.)(59:20)

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